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Year 7 Outdoor Education Experience 

Year 7 Outdoor Education Experience 

In Term 1 2024, Year 7 students embarked on an unforgettable journey during their Outdoor Education Experience at our Tallong Campus in the Southern Highlands. This annual tradition saw our students engaged in a myriad of activities, fostering friendships, enhancing resilience and learning in new and dynamic environments. The Outdoor

27 May 2024

Future-focused Virtual and Immersive Learning

Future-focused Virtual and Immersive Learning

Students in History, Geography and Commerce classes and the History and Geography Clubs have been exploring future-focused and immersive technologies using the fabulous Santa Sabina Lumination Labs, VR headsets and augmented reality tools to learn virtually. They are accessing the earth’s topography, overseas natural wonders and UNESCO-preserved historical and cultural

21 May 2024

Harmony Day 2024

Harmony Day 2024

Harmony in music is the combination of two or more notes, played simultaneously, to create a single, harmonious sound. In the artistic world, harmony is achieved through the unification of artistic elements of colour, form, shape or proportion to create a cohesive whole that is neither repetitious nor chaotic. Just

10 April 2024

Our 130th Anniversary

Our 130th Anniversary

Santa Sabina College is 130 years old in 2024. We reflect on 130 years of discerning scholarship and a holistic education supported by our Dominican commitment to service and social justice

26 March 2024

Year 7 Outdoor Education Experience 

Year 7 Outdoor Education Experience 

In early Term 1 2024, Year 7 students embarked on an unforgettable journey during their Outdoor Education Experience at our Tallong Campus in the Southern Highlands. This annual tradition saw our students engaged in a myriad of activities, fostering friendships, enhancing resilience and learning in new and dynamic environments. The

7 March 2024

Grant for student innovation

Grant for student innovation

In 2023 we were proud to launch a new and exciting co-curricular activity – Santa Style – an award-winning student-led ethical social enterprise initiative which integrates community and sustainability. To disrupt the cycle of fast fashion students designed a profitable online business start-up. Santa Style in 2023 rescued 500 items

21 February 2024

2023 HSC and IBDP Results

2023 HSC and IBDP Results

Huge congratulations to our Year 12 Class of 2023 who have achieved the strongest results in over a decade with almost 60% of our students achieving an ATAR of 90 and above and almost one in three receiving an ATAR over 95. We are also thrilled for Cece Addabbo

14 December 2023

Music makes the world go round

Music makes the world go round

In the latest episode of Santa Dialogues, College Principal Paulina Skerman and the panel discuss the benefits of music education and music’s power to enhance learning, improve wellbeing and bring joy.

11 December 2023

Making big trouble – Service, Social Justice and Advocacy

Making big trouble – Service, Social Justice and Advocacy

Episode 3 of our Santa Dialogues Podcast – Making big trouble – Service, Social Justice and Advocacy –is now live on Spotify and YouTube. This episode features ex-student and current teacher Jane Sulis OAM, ex-student Sarah Dale, Principal Solicitor at the Refugee Advice & Casework Service and Year 12 students Ruby Bron,

17 July 2023

Principal of the Year finalist

Principal of the Year finalist

Santa Sabina College is proud to announce that College Principal, Ms Paulina Skerman has been shortlisted as Principal of the Year in the Australian Education Awards 2023. This prestigious award recognises Ms Skerman’s exceptional leadership and the impact she has made to all facets of our community since her appointment

15 May 2023

Wellbeing matters

Wellbeing matters

Our planned, multi-faceted, evidence-based approach to wellbeing permeates every interaction at the College. Learning is closely linked to wellness and if we want our students to flourish at school then we need to create the optimum environment for that to occur. Strong relationships are the foundation of good mental health, and physical fitness

8 May 2023

Playing for life

Playing for life

The second episode of our Santa Dialogues podcast series hosted by College Principal Paulina Skerman – Active girls are healthy girls – playing for life – is now available on Spotify: or watch below on YouTube. The need to engage girls in more active lifestyles has never been

24 April 2023

Rocket science

Rocket science

Our Year 12 International Baccalaureate Diploma students completed their research-based assignments in Term 1 by conducting practical investigations on a topic of their choosing. In Physics Olivia Nakhle chose to investigate the effect of a payload on the acceleration of rockets. This involved Olivia 3D-printing rockets, modifying a payload chamber

20 April 2023

Industry partnership for authentic learning

Industry partnership for authentic learning

Commerce, HSC Business Studies and IB Business Management students attended a Santa Sabina industry partnership learning initiative – the Business Breakfast Workshop. Students learnt how a pre-eminent multinational conglomerate organises itself for success. This was an authentic learning experience for students to understand the application of business theory into real

20 April 2023

Art trifecta

Art trifecta

The artworks of students from across the years have been selected for awards and display in national and international competitions. Ava Anderson of Year 6 won her age category of the #SeaToSource Sea The Change Competition with her work, ‘Not the Orca’ (below left). Ella Hodge of Year 11 won

20 April 2023

Connecting students with tertiary and industry partners

Connecting students with tertiary and industry partners

As part of our careers Program, Year 12 student Olivia Churchland recently attended a Nurturing Aviation Day hosted by Sydney Flight College. Below is her reflection on the experience: On 25 February I attended the Nurturing Aviation Day held at Sydney Flight College. This was an enriching experience with speakers

15 March 2023

Professional Learning – Action Research

Professional Learning – Action Research

This year we are thrilled to be working in partnership with experts from UTS to develop and implement our K-12 Action Research Project. Facilitated by Professor Nick Hopwood and Dr Tracey-Ann Palmer, the opening workshop provided a high energy refresher course on the why, what and how of action research.

20 February 2023

Master Plan

Master Plan

Our Master Plan revealed – providing exceptional facilities for our students. Your support will make this a reality.

22 May 2024

Career Women’s Network Breakfast

Career Women’s Network Breakfast

Thank you to ex-student Justine Schofield (Class of 2003) and our community mentors for sharing their wisdom and expertise with our students at our Career Women’s Network Breakfast.

22 May 2024

Lamp Post Term 1 2024

Lamp Post Term 1 2024

In the latest Lamp Post, Ms Skerman reflects on the joyful celebrations and opportunities our community has had to come together to mark the commencement of the school year.

22 May 2024

The Taylor Swift Phenomenon – A force for good?

The Taylor Swift Phenomenon – A force for good?

Episode 5 of our Santa Dialogues Podcast – The Taylor Swift Phenomenon – A force for good? explores with staff and students her global dominance, musical ability, artistic integrity and intergenerational appeal.

22 May 2024

Tallong Open Day 2024

Tallong Open Day 2024

Highlights of our annual Open Day at Tallong, our Outdoor Education campus in the NSW Southern Highlands.

22 May 2024

St Dominic the Adventurer Award

St Dominic the Adventurer Award

Our unique program for students in Years 3 and 4 teaches outdoor survival and nature skills. The students work towards their badges of Prayer, Skill, Service and the St Dominic the Adventurer Badge.

22 May 2024

Lumination Labs opening

Lumination Labs opening

Santa Sabina students explore future-focused and immersive technologies in our fabulous new Lumination Labs, using VR headsets and augmented reality tools. Lessons have never been more engaging!

22 May 2024

Santa Science Showcase

Santa Science Showcase

Science Week 2023 At our inaugural science showcase members of our community – parents and ex-students – presented projects that they are working on which are making an extraordinary impact in the world. We heard about technological developments in sustainability, pharmaceuticals, human health, land use planning and aerospace.

22 May 2024