Publications and Reports featured image

Publications and Reports


The symbol of our annual magazine incorporates two qualities for which the College is often commended – its warmth and the sense of direction of its students. The circle is a symbol of the accepting community which embraces and sustains its members, and the compass is a symbol of direction and purpose. This is what we aim for in the lives of our students at school and beyond – warm, compassionate individuals of integrity, connected to a caring community, with a sense of purpose and a life lived in truth –  VERITAS.

Please find below recent editions of Encompass, which celebrate our learning community from the infants of Mary Bailey House through P-12, and ex-students.

Encompass 2021
Encompass 2020
Encompass 2019
Encompass 2018
Encompass 2017

Santa Scholars

Santa Scholars is an annual publication showcasing outstanding academic excellence. See our latest issue below.

Santa Scholars 2021
Santa Scholars 2020
Santa Scholars 2019
Santa Scholars 2018
Santa Scholars 2017

Science Research Journal Volume 1, 2021

150 Year Celebration Booklet

Dominican Sisters 150 Years

Speech Night

Speech Night 2023
Speech Night 2022
Speech Night 2021
Speech Night 2020
Speech Night 2019
Speech Night 2018
Speech Night 2017

Annual Report

Annual Report 2023
Annual Report 2022
Annual Report 2021
Annual Report 2020
Annual Report 2019
Annual Report 2018
Annual Report 2017

Year 12 Major Works