Santa Sabina College, a Catholic, Dominican, independent day school for girls and boys up to Year 4 and girls only from Year 5 to Year 12, educates students for a life of faith, integrity and truth.
Our Dominican Difference means our young people are formed with the 800 year old Dominican commitment to justice, truth, reconciliation and compassion, always encouraged to be responsible for making the world a better place and embracing the future with hope.
The Dominican Order (also known as the Order of the Preachers) is a Roman Catholic religious order best known for its commitment to holistic education, the pursuit of truth (Veritas) and its focus on preaching — spreading the Gospel through words and actions to inspire change. Founded by St Dominic de Guzman (1173-1221) between 1206-1216, the order embraced a life of prayer and study, which led to a ministry of preaching – the early beginnings of the four Dominican pillars of Prayer, Study, Community and Service.
Between 1206 -1216, a group of women and men, priests, sisters and lay people, gathered around Dominic de Guzman (1173-1221) in the south of France. Together they formed a company of Preachers, offering something new in the Church – men and women who were trained and dedicated to spreading the good news of God’s love and compassion in the market place. Following the lead of early Church, as outlined in the Acts of the Apostles, they sought to seek the Truth by praying together as a community, studying the story of the life of Jesus among them and showing the compassion of Jesus to all in need.
Our students at Santa Sabina continue to be encouraged to be truth seekers and compassion bearers at all stages of their lives.
The pillars are not just boxes to be ticked, they are the rhythm of life and a way of being. The Dominican charism is open and porous. It honours intelligence, beauty, justice, community and individuality to bring into being a full humanity. The Dominican Difference requests commitment and engagement.