For International Women’s Day 2023 we interviewed our student leaders who are already having an impact on society and shaking the world:
‘Being involved in state and local politics allows me to work in a conducive environment with other like-minded students who are driven to address community and broader issues amongst the youth of today.’
Maree Sialepis
College Captain
State Government Youth Advisor
Strathfield Youth Advisory Board
‘Being on the world stage as well as in politics allows me to express myself and explore my passions freely. The support I have received at school has been instrumental, and allows me to use my voice for change.’
Ruby Bron
College Captain
Opera Australia singer
YMCA Youth Parliamentarian
Youth Representative on Burwood and Inner West Councils
‘Being involved in social justice and religious leadership allows me to use my passions and talents to help others and allows me to have a hand in shaping the world that I will enter very soon. At Santa Sabina, we are encouraged to use the privilege of education and opportunities to do good for others.’
Lisa Haddad
Faith and Mission Prefect
Social Justice Advocate
Our Lady of Mercy Church and St Ephraim Cathedral Youth Leader
‘My involvement in climate change activism is about fighting for a safe and inclusive global environment for future generations. I’m grateful to Santa Sabina for supporting me to empower others.’
Olivia Nakhle
Social Justice Prefect
School Strike 4 Climate Organiser
Social Justice Campaigner
‘The College has provided me with invaluable opportunities to advocate for mental health, such as being a Youth Advisor to the State Government, participating in Wellbeing Forums, and being an ambassador for the Push-Up Challenge. This has enabled me to make a positive difference in our community.’
Rosanna Cartwright
Environment and Sustainability Prefect
Push-Up Challenge Ambassador
Ocean Panel Youth Advisor
‘With such uncertainty in our world’s future, it is empowering to be a part of a larger movement that has the ability to create change for a better world.’
Sophie Way
Wellbeing Prefect
Ocean Youth Ambassador
World Ocean Day and Ocean Youth Breakfast Panellist
‘Being an Olympic Change Maker has shaped me and allowed me to speak and encourage others to be powerful women on the sporting field. At Santa Sabina we are provided with a range of co-curricular opportunities to extend our athletic ability and excel in our chosen sport.’
Lily Carr
Sports Prefect
‘Leadership in the arts is about having the drive to invoke passion in the community. I grew up finding beauty in music, and am honoured to help nurture that same love among my peers.’
Antonia Touma
Arts Prefect