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Gioia House Leadership


Head of Gioia House

Stella Azizian

Stella Azizian’s outstanding approach to educating the whole child has been recognised in the Australian Educator of the Year Awards where she was a finalist for Primary Teacher of the Year in 2020. She has experience across primary and secondary teaching around the world and is well-known at Santa Sabina for her ability to nurture her students. As Head of Gioia House, her enture focus is on the students of Years 5 and 6. She is renowned for her empathy as well as her individual attention to each of her students. Ms Azizian works to reinforce every student’s strengths and to build resilience in students where there are limitations.

Assistant Head of Gioia House

Marisa Maks

As Assistant Head of Gioia House, Ms Marisa Maks has the particular responsibility for the wellbeing programs which allow students to grow spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically and socially in a nurturing and supportive environment. Ms Maks has a vested interest in pastoral care and believes student wellbeing contributes to success in learning. She is focused on the development of the whole child and allowing students to realise their full potential, to assist them in achieving their goals and become lifelong learners.