Santa’s trail blazers hit the ground running!

As a part of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP) students are required to take part in a variety of creative, active or service experiences in order to develop new skills and overcome challenges. These activities, in conjunction with the CAS group project, are meant to fulfill the seven learning outcomes of the IBDP. These learning outcomes focus on things like learning new skills, identifying ethical concerns in responding to world issues, and even working collaboratively with other IB students.

Although the majority of these experiences must be completed individually, it is a requirement of the program to complete at least one collaborative CAS project with other IB students. This project has to last at least one month and allow students to demonstrate perseverance and initiative. This year the entire IB cohort has decided to complete the group project together. After brainstorming a range of ideas, we were most excited by the prospect of participating in a marathon to raise money for charity. We were given the idea of participating in the Relay for Life 2018 which is hosted by the Cancer Council. This event is a 24-hour long relay, that challenges people from all walks of life to raise money for Cancer sufferers. The aim of the relay is to have at least one person on the track at all times in solidarity with Cancer sufferers who cannot take a break. Our aim, as a group, is to raise $5,000 to donate to the organisation. This money will help the Cancer Council fund research projects and treatment for people suffering from Cancer.

In order to achieve our goal we have reached out to the Santa Sabina community for support and donations. This is a cause that is so close to our hearts and we would greatly appreciate it if you could visit the link below to read up about the Relay for Life and donate to our group the “Santa Sabina Trailblazers.”

We have currently raised $4171 out of our desired $5000 goal!! Please support our “Santa Sabina Trailblazers” team, and together, let’s JOIN THE FIGHT TO BEAT CANCER.

Sally Randall and Romy O’Keeffe
Year 11 IBDP students