Love Week

“Health is not just being disease free. Health is when every cell in your body is bouncing with joy.”

In recognition of the need for self love in the development of wellbeing, the Student Executive, with the help of their teachers and other captains organised “Love Week”. The slogan for the week was: love yourself, love your friends, love your life; the goal being to recognise the many different ways to look after yourself and a maintain balance and “self love” amidst a busy school schedule.

The event was successful in spreading community spirit and the culture of togetherness at school, with students getting involved in dancing, painting of banners, and taking an opportunity on what they are grateful for.

We commenced the week with eye-catching handwritten affirmations peppered throughout the locker rooms in order to cure the inevitable Mondayitis. Tuesday saw soar a boost in House spirit with the Middle Years getting into a house challenge on the hockey field. On Wednesday we saw wellbeing in action with students participating in relaxing mandala colouring and zumba on the hockey field. This spectacular display of energy and enthusiasm definitely made me want to dance!

Throughout the week, we saw some action in the Piazza with students painting banners for both love week and Caritas. On Friday, we saw lots of smiles with photos with the geofilter and with Penny the Polar bear. We even spread our ideas online and got responses in the form of art from people from around the world who also believe in the importance of wellbeing and self love.

Upon reflection, the spirit of the Santa Sabina students is something unique and exciting. We would like to thank our teachers for helping us in the preparation of this wonderful celebration of community and the students for getting involved! Hopefully we can carry this mentality of love, reflection and appreciation throughout the term.

Alex Witting
Committees Captain
Media and Communications Committee