Imagine coming up with an idea, creating and designing a model and then pitching your idea to the director of a company.

This is what students from the Middle School of Santa Sabina College are doing as one of their learning projects.  The students are following the process used by Disney’s Imagineers to create a ride for the new Sydney’s Wonderland. Ammar Khan, the Director of Western Sydney Theme Park Pty Ltd, gave the girls their project brief and some background information about the criteria for the rides. In teams, the girls are developing an understanding of the physics concepts needed for the design process. They used this knowledge together with their imaginations to create a ride experience in an Australian context. The students pitched their final product to Ammar Khan. 

Engaging students in authentic and active learning is important for students in the Middle Years of schooling. Both students and teachers are excited about the project and with excitement comes great things. Imagine in 5 years being on a ride that was designed by a Santa Sabina student.