Year 6 learn to code!

Week 2 of the competition

This week 55 of our Santa Sabina students have made it to the top leaderboard of the Newbie competition, with 3 other competitors barely squeezing in. We have about 25 students who have finished the Beginners competition with a few brave students trying intermediate for a challenge. This week we had some slightly harder tasks to complete but working together  made them seem easy. Often we have around 5 or 6 heads all working together to share our ideas and thinking. We all help each other to finish and understand the tasks.


Year 6 started coding at the beginning of the term using a coding language called python on a website called Grok Learning. We started coding because in the years upcoming 80% of jobs will use technology, software and programming. So we started to code. Up until now we had been completing courses which taught us the basics but now the competition has started. The competition started last week as schools across the country started completing problems with friends. It is now week 2 of the competition and we have begun earning points for our correct solutions to the problems.

So far we have learnt how to program the computer to print words, ask us questions, make the device communicate with us, use the device as a calculator and we can even have the device make decisions for us. We can do this by using commands such as ‘print’, ‘input’, ‘int'(that stands for integer, which means number), ‘if ‘and ‘else’. We also learnt how to use variables in programming.

Iva Lawes

Year 6

Week 1
