Swimming Open Water National Championships

Swimming Open Water National Championships – Congratulations Lauren 

On Saturday 15 February Lauren (Year 9) took to the water at Eastern Beach in Geelong to compete in the 2014 Open Water Australian Age Championships. This event played host to over 400 of the best young swimmers from all over Australia.

Conditions were not very inviting as Lauren, along with 44 other competitors in the 13 year girls 5 km event, stood on the beach, tracking device attached and looking at a forest of sea weed through which they would swim before hopefully finding some clear water. Determined and a little scared Lauren, having heard that there was a school of jelly fish beyond the sea weed, some the size of a soccer ball, began her swim.

After what can best be described as a gruelling swim marked by courage and sheer grit, the jelly fish and sea weed a reality along with a few other nasties, Lauren emerged from the water and was placed thirty ninth in Australia with a time of 1:22:59.36, a fantastic result.

Lauren will remember this swim for a long time to come. Her sense of achievement will come not only from her success as a swimmer but from knowing that she rose to a mighty challenge.

Congratulations Lauren for your achievement in swimming, determination and courage.