Principal’s update No.1

Hello to all of our Santa families as we commence our Spring Term 2013. While we’re approaching the end of the calendar year, there’s the promise of new beginnings signalled by Spring. I am very excited by much that is happening at Santa presently. I encourage you to mark the dates of Speech Night (9 December) for Years 6-12, and Speech Day Years K-5 (5 December) prominently on your calendar, so that we join as a community in a ‘Celebration of Excellence’. 

An intrepid group of Year 11 students has just returned from their South African immersion. The students were led by Sister Sheila Flynn OP in South Africa, and by three dedicated Santa teachers – Jeanette Carroll, Sarah Feltham and Lynn Long. I wish to thank these teachers for their amazing dedication and generosity, and to thank the parents for enabling their daughters to undertake such a transformative experience.

Of course for all of our Year 11 students Spring represents the commencement of their HSC courses. I wish them well and am very confident of the support that they will receive from both their families and teachers. 

In the Secondary School, our new Student Leadership Team commence their journey. Our new College Leader, Sarah Valente, and Deputy Leader, Adrielle Touma, are outstanding young women and have the well-deserved confidence of the broader leadership.

At Del Monte, our wonderful results in the NSW Mathematics competition have now been replicated in the National Arena. The State winners were entered into the National Maths Trust Competition, and won three first places. Congratulations to the students and their teachers – Margie Attard, Emma McAulay, Karen Campbell, and Sue Liddell. We have also submitted our application for candidacy for the PYP with the International Baccalaureate Organisation and anticipate a very positive response this term.

New beginnings for the P&F see Mrs Antonella Russo assume the role of President, Marisa Zammit, Vice-President (Middle and Senior Campus), Natalie McCloskey, Middle School Social Coordinator, and Joanne Govorcin, Secretary. Along with our ongoing Executive members, I look forward to working closely with them. Our P&F are very generous, supporting our endeavours with tireless goodwill.

As we communicated at the end of last term, there was a delay in the delivery of the NAPLAN student reports. As soon as the College receives them, we will distributed to parents, and also be in contact if there are specific learning needs identified in these reports.

Thank you for your continued interest, generosity and support. I look forward to meeting you on many occasions this term.

Dr Maree Herrett