2013 National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence

Santa Sabina College has registered to be part of the National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence, being held nationwide on Friday 15 March 2013.

The National Day of Action is a day where school communities across Australia, Take a Stand Together against bullying and violence.

Santa Sabina College is dedicated to creating supportive school environments, free from bullying, harassment and violence. By working together, we are sending clear messages to young people that bullying and violence, in or outside of school, is not okay – at any time.

Del Monte is already a ‘hero school’ due to its involvement in the Better Buddies program and thus will invite buddies to come together on Friday. On both campuses students will participate in some on-line activities from the Bullying. No Way! website (www.bullyingnoway.gov.au). Students and staff will also be invited to literally take a stand against bullying, harassment and violence, (particularly violence against women on the senior campus), photographs will then be taken of our collective statement.

Students and parents can also download the free iPhone app Take a Stand http://www.takeastandtogether.gov.au/over14/downloads/index.html  to keep tips and advice on dealing with bullying close at hand.