International Day of the Girl

On International Day of the Girl our students have given thanks for being here today in this place of learning. They acknowledged the gift of their education, a gift that millions of girls like them, elsewhere in the world, will never receive.

Our students are committed to advocating for girls’ education. Two groups of senior students returned last weekend from spending their school holidays working in schools and orphanages in the Solomon Islands and at Kopanang and Montebello in South Africa.

Witnessing inequalities and hardship in person has reshaped our girls’ understanding of what it means to live in poverty – “something that none of us will ever forget” – according to Fermi.

“I can truly say the experience enlightened us to appreciate the countless blessings and the education we have in our lives. Through the positivity and laughter of the children we are inspired to embody their determination and spirit to become better individuals for others.”

#DayoftheGirl  #likeasantagirl