Farewell Year 12 2017

This week we have celebrated with Year 12 as they prepare to complete their schooling at the College. A highlight has been the House farewells and Homeroom picnics. Our vertical House structure enables friendships to be formed beyond the graduating cohort and the Homeroom picnics provide an opportunity for the expression of gratitude by their younger peers and teachers.

Today has been a day of great celebration for the graduating class of 2017 and the community as we gathered together for the Year 12 Final Assembly. Embedded in all the celebration there is undoubtedly some mixed emotions.  

This morning’s assembly included a speech by Year 11 student, Mia, who spoke on behalf of the student body to Year 12 in which she stated – “sitting in front of us today is a group of incredibly skilled and capable young women who have displayed their unique and diverse talents through their academics, sport, music, public speaking and community service. It is bittersweet to see such a diversely talented cohort graduate; however, we are all confident in your abilities to showcase these talents beyond the grounds of Santa Sabina.”

Lucy provided the reply on behalf of Year 12 – “it is undeniable that our Santa experiences have made each one of us a passionate advocate of Dominican values. Our willingness to speak out about challenges, injustices and search for truth are the qualities that most embody a Santa Sabina education. We are defined uniquely as ‘Santa girls’. These qualities have become the foundation of who we are today and how we will respond to issues beyond our time at the College. To the younger years, cherish your time here. Immerse yourself in every opportunity that you are able to. Being part of this Santa Community is a privilege and one of the most rewarding experiences of your school life.”

Our very best wishes go with you Year 12, as you make your final preparations for the HSC and then as you take on life beyond school in pursuit of your dreams. We trust you have learnt to live your lives always seeking truth and demonstrating respect, compassion and a willingness to strive for personal best. We hope that the Dominican values will continue to provide that touchstone and that you do not lose sight of these values.